Mandarin Chinese

Changes in society have positioned Mandarin Chinese as "the language of the future".

More and more entrepreneurs and students choose to learn this language. The strengthening of commercial relations with China means that many people interested in improving their professional expectations see learning this language as an opportunity to make the great leap to the world of work.

This activity also allows our students to become familiar with one of the most ancient and fascinating cultures in the history of humanity.

The Macma Academy, which is specialized in the teaching of Mandarin Chinese, will be in charge of teaching this activity, being the academy that has achieved, among all the academies in Spain, the highest number of passages in the official YCT-HSK exam, the Confucius Institute.

Students who acquire the appropriate level affirmed by teachers, will be able to take the official exams. The teachers who impart this subject are all native Chinese, with specialized pedagogical training and use a teaching methods that alternate books and exercises, with audio-visual supports that present the language in a more attractive way.

  • Improves cognitive flexibility 100% 100%
  • Facilitates the opening of global mentality 60% 60%
  • Greater speed in word processing 85% 85%
  • Promoting international training or work development 75% 75%

Mandarin Chinese

Changes in society have positioned Mandarin Chinese as "the language of the future".

More and more businessmen and students are choosing to learn this language. The strengthening of trade relations with China makes many people interested in improving their professional expectations see in the learning of this language an opportunity to take the big leap into the world of work. This activity also allows our students to learn about one of the most ancient and fascinating cultures in the history of mankind.

The learning of this activity will be in charge of the Macma Academy, which specializes in teaching Mandarin Chinese and has achieved, among all the academies in Spain, the highest number of passes in the official YCT-HSK exam conducted by the Confucius Institute.

The students who acquire the appropriate level, endorsed by the teachers, will be able to take the exam. The teachers who will teach the classes are all native Chinese with specialized pedagogical training and use a teaching method that alternates books and exercises with audiovisual aids that present the language in a more attractive way.

  • Improves cognitive flexibility 100% 100%
  • Facilitates global open-mindedness 60% 60%
  • Faster word processing 85% 85%
  • Promoting international training or job development 75% 75%