Emprende Logos

Logos entrepreneurship project

At COLEGIO LOGOS we develop and value the ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY. Since 2016, the year in which we implemented our project in the classroom, the ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY has gone from less to more.

At the moment we are working in a transversal way on ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLSfrom 4th ESO to 2nd BACCALAUREATE.

In 4th ESO and 1st BACCALAUREATE we work on entrepreneurship in the subject of ECONOMICS, a subject of the Social Sciences modality. Students develop entrepreneurial projects with the possibility of submitting them to entrepreneurship competitions.

In 1st and 2nd INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE within the subject of BUSINESS MANAGEMENT and with the aim of developing the skills and abilities of the IB philosophy (critical and reflective thinking, creativity, communication skills, research and inquiry skills, as well as the development of social entrepreneurship), students develop in more detail their entrepreneurial project, providing solutions to problems detected in society and in order to provide social value. In this way, students become WORLDSHAKERS, young people with a cause who take ACTION. They also have the opportunity to submit their project to entrepreneurship contests.

In 3rd ESO, 4th ESO and 1st BACCALAUREATE as an optional extracurricular activity, students can attend our YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS WORKSHOP where they develop entrepreneurial skills in a more intense and dynamic way. Leadership, innovation, creativity, autonomy and teamwork are our pillars.

We believe that the competencies of the 21st century make ENTREPRENEURSHIP and entrepreneurial competence fundamental for the integral development of students. And of course from the point of view of TEACHING and LEARNING.

The social entrepreneurship projects with national recognition are:

Infoversity (2017 and 2018), 2. RapidiEATo (2018).

SharEat (2019 and 2020),

4. DerexClinic (2021) 5. Pet Drop (2022)

6. Solidarity Foams (2022)

Agile Methodologies for Entrepreneurship

At Logos we believe that 21st century competencies make ENTREPRENEURSHIP and entrepreneurial skills fundamental for the integral development of the student.
We apply agile methodologies from an eminently practical teaching-learning approach through work sessions, entrepreneurship techniques and participation in various events.

1.- Working sessions:

In the work sessions, students acquire the skills of communication, teamwork, project planning and organization.

2.- Entrepreneurship techniques:

With entrepreneurship techniques, students learn specific agile methodologies to develop their projects such as visual thinking, storytelling, storyboarding, elevator pitch, design thinking, kanban model, etc.

3.- Entrepreneurship Events:

Logos teams attend different entrepreneurship events at school level, making contact with official authorities, universities, trade fairs, media, school competitions, entrepreneurship campuses, etc.

"The only thing impossible is what you don't try."

Tere López Barreiro. Responsible for the Emprende Logos Program.