Logos International School, International school, bilingual, private in Las Rozas de Madrid

From the first months through college

"Your future begins here"

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Get to know the prestigious International Baccalaureate program


360º Video

Get to know our Logos International School live. Scroll with the mouse through the different spaces to see the learning spaces: media library, classrooms, robotics classroom, laboratories, sports facilities,... with 360º vision.

Virtual Tour

In this tour of Logos International you will be able to walk through the school as if you were inside. You will discover the learning spaces, laboratories, classrooms, facilities,... in an individualized way and at your own discretion.

Our Rates

Our pillars

We rely on our fundamental pillars: training in values, languages, innovation and sportsmanship that favor not only good and stable academic results, but also an extraordinary human development.


Training in values







Guidance Department


Sports activities


Our Kitchen



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Cómo apoyar a tu hijo en la elección de su carrera universitaria

La elección de una carrera universitaria es un momento clave en la vida de un joven, y como padres, nuestro papel es crucial para brindar apoyo sin...

4 consejos para Motivar a los Adolescentes sin Presionarlos Demasiado

La adolescencia es una etapa crucial en el desarrollo de nuestros hijos, llena de cambios físicos, emocionales y sociales. Como padres, queremos...

5 maneras de enseñar a los jóvenes a ser solidarios

En Logos Internacional, no solo nos esforzamos por ofrecer una educación académica de calidad, sino también por cultivar valores fundamentales que...

4 tips para apoyar a niños con altas capacidades.

28En Logos International, comprendemos la importancia de identificar y apoyar a los niños con altas capacidades. Estos jóvenes poseen un potencial...

How social networks influence adolescent behavior

Muchos padres se preguntan cómo influyen las redes sociales en la conducta del adolescente. Es una cuestión lógica y legítima que, por lo general,...

How to foster creativity among adolescents

Fomentar la creatividad entre adolescentes es importante para evitar que se acomoden y que se queden en su zona de confort. De hecho, cuanto antes...

“Saber Educar” por el Dr. Javier Urra

Javier Urra es Dr. en Psicología con la especialidad de Clínica y Forense, Dr. en Ciencias de la Salud. Profesor en Pedagogía Terapéutica, psicólogo...

BeReal, la Red Social de Moda entre Adolescentes, ¿Es Peligrosa?

En el vertiginoso mundo de las redes sociales, constantemente emergen nuevas plataformas dirigidas a diferentes grupos demográficos. Una de las...

Is Your Teen Bored? 4 Keys to Understanding it

Adolescence is often a period of change and discovery. However, it is common for parents to be confronted with the assertion that their...

Vamping: Your Teenage Child Not Sleeping Because of the Cell Phone?

Adolescence is a stage of life full of changes, and one of the most relevant current challenges is the impact of technology on the sleep...

Learn about our high abilities program

Our students who have needs derived from high intellectual ability work with individualized programs of Curricular Expansion, Educational Flexibilization, Extracurricular Educational Enrichment Programs in collaboration with the Department of Education of the CAM, they carry out projects of deepening of topics of their interest that they later expose and share with their peers or participate in the SICO program that is carried out in the school. They are encouraged to participate in academic olympiads or other events where students share their talents with their peers.

We train people for life!

For more information about our High Abilities Program

Some of our families tell you about their experience.

"More than 40 years together"



from 0 to 18 years old

Logos Nursery


Wheel: 1ºPrim




International Baccalaureate


Our commitment to having a low ratio in the classroom allows us to get to know the students and their families very well, maintaining a direct and continuous communication with them whenever they need it.


We offer all kinds of services to meet the possible needs of our students and their families in order to promote work-life balance.

Find out more without obligation