RULER is a method for social-emotional education developed at Yale University 's Center for Emotional Intelligence and based on decades of research.

This program This program aims to integrate social and emotional learning in schools, applying "hard science" to the teaching of what has historically science" to the teaching of what has historically been called "social skills". historically referred to as "social skills".

RULER teaches the EQ skills - those related to identifying, understanding, labeling, expressing identification, understanding, labeling, expression and regulation of emotions. emotions. It is precisely from these English terms that the name RULER comes from. the name RULER comes from: Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressingand Regulating. Regulating.

Decades of research Decades of research show that such skills are essential for effective teaching and learning, good effective teaching and learning, good decision making, physical and mental health, school success and much more. mental and physical health, success in school, and much more.

Schools and schools and institutes that implement the RULER program are truly safe spaces for students. students. This method develops Emotional Intelligence in students, from kindergarten to high school, as well as in as well as in the adults involved in their education: management team, teachers and support staff. support staff. Families also participate in this training for life, in order to reinforce the social skills learned in the center by the students and to educate with intelligence. students and educate with Emotional Intelligence.

This approach provides a unique depth and coherence to social and emotional learning that empowers the teacher emotional learning that empowers faculty to create a safe space in which students learn and grow, academically and personally. students learn and grow, academically and personally.

The RULER Program at Logos International School

In our curricular The RULER Program is integrated into our curricular program. Its implementation is indispensable in our objective our goal of having students acquire Emotional Intelligence skills, not only at school, but also for their lives outside of school. Emotional Intelligence skills, not only at school, but also for their lives outside the school.

The most important thing is for students to students to become more aware of their emotions and the influence they have on their daily lives. influence they have on their daily lives. They learn to better regulate intense emotions In this way, they learn to better regulate intense emotions, resolve conflicts, maintain healthier social relationships, and achieve physical and mental wellbeing. relationships and achieve physical and mental wellbeing, which are key to their proper development. development.

At the forefront of the RULER Program at Logos is led by the school's guidance department. School. With the collaboration of the Doctor in Psychology Ruth Castillo Gualda, who has a long trajectory in the application of this method, she is in charge of training the teachers and the She is in charge of training teachers and supervising, adapting and deepening the program. adaptation and deepening of the program.

The main objective is for our students to recognize, understand and regulate emotions from the age of 3 thanks to the RULER Program.