The family and the school should work together to ensure a healthy and balanced diet for children. healthy and balanced nutrition of children.

Fortunately, society is becoming more and more aware of the importance of maintaining healthy lifestyles, as well as the healthy lifestyle habits, as well as transmitting and transmitting them to the youngest members of the household. Vital to reduce the rates of childhood overweight and obesity. of childhood overweight and obesity.

It is It is essential for school and family to work together to ensure that students students eat a balanced diet, which is especially important during the growth stage. especially important during the growth stage.

Parents should consult the weekly menu of the school cafeteria to supplement their children's meals at dinner. Not forgetting breakfast and snack, where industrial pastries, milkshakes and processed juices should be avoided at all costs. and processed juices should be avoided at all costs.

In turn, schools are responsible for offering a canteen with a menu supervised by nutrition experts and promoting healthy lifestyle habits. In addition, it is essential to present the dishes in an attractive way so that children are encouraged to try everything.

Characteristics of a healthy diet

  • Breakfastshould should account for 25% of the daily nutritional needs. Lunch should 30%, snack 15% and dinner 30%.
  • Water should be the infant beverage par excellence.
  • Meals composed of seasonal vegetables and fruits, dairy products, low-fat meats, fiber and complex carbohydrates.
  • Families should set an example by following a balanced diet, to encourage learning by imitation.
  • All this complemented with physical exercise exercise.

Healthy eating promotes good academic results

Data show that children who that children who follow a healthy diet get better grades in school. in school. According to the latest study conducted by the Observatory on Nutritional Habits and Lifestyles of Families on Nutritional Habits and Lifestyles of Families, school performance is better in children who eat a healthy and balanced diet. children who eat a balanced and healthy diet.

But what is healthy eating? Experts consider that an adequate children's diet is based on the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish and nuts on a weekly basis, water as the main drink, as well as the use of extra virgin olive oil. water as the main drink, as well as the use of extra virgin olive oil in the dressing. in the dressing.

Self-catering school canteen service

At Logos International School, a school in Las Rozas, we also teach healthy lifestyle habits.

For this reason, we count sports education as one of the fundamental pillars of the center. In addition, we offer a school lunch service with a menu supervised by a nutritionist and prepared in the school's own kitchen. nutritionist and prepared in the school's own kitchen.