Logos International School Blog
What is dramatic reading?
A dramatized reading at school is a form of oral reading in which student readers must act out the characters through their voices. This type of activity provides the students with many advantages and skill practice...
Personal growth project
For some time the Religion department and the Ethical Values department have wanted to work together on a common project that would show the importance of the ideal growth of people. With this desire in this academic year 2017-2018 we have worked together in the...
Students' impressions of Miguel Angel Muñoz's lecture
Stories from the students of the school about the meeting with Miguel Ángel Muñoz. Some of the students who attended the talk with Miguel Ángel Muñoz and Pepe Casanova have left us their impressions about what they experienced, felt and learned. "Me...
Meeting with Miguel Ángel Muñoz, alumni of the school
Our alumni Miguel Ángel Muñoz came to visit the school to share his experience with our ESO and Bachillerato students. The life of a school has many people. Among them are those who have already left the school and come to visit that school....
My confirmation: By Alberto Lazarov Diez On April 20, 2018 I lived one of the most beautiful days of my life, my confirmation. In my 17 years I had been at the same time so happy, proud of myself and united to God at the same time. For this reason, it is my wish...
School Volleyball League 17-18
As you well know the sport in Logos International is a fundamental pillar and today we want to bring you how was the School League of Las Rozas for our Volleyball competition teams from the hand of their coaches. Finished the school league of Las...
Geography and Don Quixote
On the occasion of the Book Day last April 23rd we celebrated at school a continuous reading, among secondary students, of "Don Quixote" from 9 in the morning until half past four in the afternoon. From the Department of Geography and...
A team of students of 4 ESO have been selected among the 35 teams that will attend the Campus Emprende Challenge of La Caixa from 9 to 12 May. From among 1,300 projects submitted from all over Spain, these young entrepreneurs will enjoy 4 days of...
This weekend our students have obtained magnificent results in different mathematical competitions that have been held in the Community of Madrid. The students of ESO and Bachillerato have participated in the Gymkhana STEM, held in El...
Our 3rd and 4th grade students have participated today in the School Olympics of Las Rozas.
The sixth grade students Claudia Diez, Seri Choi, Cecilia Feito and Claudia Fernandez have developed a project on Healthy Eating in order to present it to their fourth grade classmates. They have worked following the model of...
The students of 6th grade have been working during these last weeks in a mathematical project focused on the manufacture of a geoplane. A very interesting didactic resource to introduce geometrical concepts in a manipulative way....
This Holy Week, St. Paul gives us the perfect excuse to go to the movies. From Sony Pictures comes Paul, Apostle of Christ, a serious, well-shot and well-documented film that narrates the last days of Paul just before his death in Rome. We...
The sixth grade students have received the visit of Rafael Salmeron, writer and illustrator of juvenile novels. They were able to chat with him and ask him questions about his life, his work and the book "Paula y el amuleto...
We had the privilege of accompanying our student, María Bennasar, at the presentation of the Max Mazin Foundation scholarship. After a rigorous selection process, María and fifteen other Spanish students in their first year of high school will receive advice,...
Logos International 7th College of Madrid and Spain
We are the 7th school in the Community of Madrid and Spain by score in the report "The 100 best schools in Spain" of El Mundo. Thank you all! #somoslogos This is what they say about us: "One of the differentiating features of this school is that...
First CAS Fair
Circular CAS fair
From teacher to alumni
In these more than 25 years that I have been practicing my profession at Logos School, I have seen countless girls, boys and young people with great aptitude for sports pass through the classrooms and playgrounds. I would like to highlight SARA HURTADO MARTÍN. Sara is today...
The students of 6th grade have been working during these last weeks in a mathematical project focused on the manufacture of a geoplane. A very interesting didactic resource to introduce geometrical concepts in a manipulative way....
Circular reservation 18-19 course