Logos International School Blog
Study the most widely spoken language in the world at Logos
Mandarin Chinese - the most widely spoken language in the world - is positioned as the language of the future, and both schools and families know it. For this reason, some private schools have already started teaching Chinese. Until now, French and German have been...
The best educational offer for our children
Choosing the best school for our children is a complicated decision. There are many aspects to take into account when choosing the most appropriate educational offer; such as the personal needs of each child, the values of the center, its methodology, the quality...
Family plans: traveling with children
Summer vacation is just around the corner, a great time to take advantage of free time and travel as a family. During the school year, both children and adults are very busy. Work, school, extracurricular classes... That's why the arrival of summer means...
Summer Camp: Summer Camp in Logos
A summer camp with activities in English without leaving Madrid is the Logos International School Summer Camp. It takes place on the school's campus, in the Molino de la Hoz Urbanization (Las Rozas), an area with excellent sports facilities....
Logos International School with children's sports
As we have already stated on other occasions, Logos International School is based on four fundamental pillars: innovation, training in values, languages and sportsmanship. On this occasion, we are going to focus on children's sports at the school. The education...
Feeding in the growth stage
Nutrition in the growing stage is essential for a correct physical and mental development, as well as to avoid diseases, such as childhood obesity. For this reason, it is important to acquire good eating habits in childhood, since they change very little...
World Recycling Day: raising awareness among the younger generations
World Recycling Day is celebrated every May 17, a day proclaimed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to raise awareness of the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling -the 3Rs of ecology-.....
Logos, an innovative educational space
Innovation is one of the basic pillars of Logos International School. We apply this premise to our teaching methods, to the bilingual program we develop, and of course, to our facilities. The infant stage is developed in Logos Nursery...
New technologies: allies of education
Educational technology (ET) is defined as the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies -also called ICT- to education as a support for learning. New ways of teaching put innovation at the service of education ....
High capacity project at Logos
The teachings given at Logos International School follow the contents and the development of the current legislation, but there is a characteristic that differentiates us from the rest of the centers: individualized teaching. Within the framework of this policy of...
How to achieve academic excellence
Logos International School has been celebrating academic excellence for over 40 years. This is not summed up in a grade, it is the result of the confluence of several factors. Our teaching team knows well how to channel and channel the educational premises in order to...
The importance of learning languages from early childhood
When learning languages, ideally the process should be exactly the same as that followed with the mother tongue. That is to say, the phases of listening, understanding, speaking and reading from the moment our child is born and during those first years of life in which he or she...
Discover the Singapore Method with Logos
The Singapore Method is a methodology for teaching mathematics, based on the pedagogical principles of Jerome Bruner, Zoltan Dienes and Richard Skemp, with a strong influence of Lev Vygotsky and his theories on development and learning. In fact, more than a...
Educating with Emotional Intelligence: RULER Program
RULER is a social-emotional education method developed at Yale University's Center for Emotional Intelligence and based on decades of research. This program aims to integrate social and emotional learning in schools, applying the "science of...
Plans with children in Las Rozas, Pozuelo and Majadahonda
The education of children is not only during school hours, but values and knowledge are acquired in all aspects of life. Therefore, it is important to make educational family plans, as well as fun. These are some of the...
Logos International School, among the best schools in Spain
Logos International School (Las Rozas, Madrid) is in the "Top 10" of the best schools in Spain, within the ranking made by the newspaper "El Mundo". It is ranked number 5 in Madrid and number 6 nationally, by score. The traditional system...
Business incubator
Alicia García Sánchez, Alba Ureña de la Cruz, Alberto Feu Rodríguez and Lucía Curiel Crespo, students of the 1st year of Bachillerato, are one of the twelve teams selected from among 200 projects submitted nationwide to the DESAFÍO EMPRENDE BUSINESS INCUBATOR of...
40th Anniversary Spanish Constitution
Antoñita said yes. Antoñita is today the grandmother of Lara Álvarez and 40 years ago, on December 6, 1978, she deposited in a ballot box a ballot identical to this one, with which she gave a YES to the national referendum in which 15706077 of citizens plus her, approved our...
Our students of the soccer, basketball and volleyball teams have already started the 2018/2019 competition organized by the City Council of Las Rozas. good luck to all!!!!
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