The use of resources to work with children and young people is always welcome, as it allows to go deeper into the situations to be made visible and at the same time helps children to see better and more clearly what is being sought in each case. For example, using films about bullying that are perfect for teenagers because of their themes, the way they are developed, etc.

Having said that, it is worth adding that we would love not to have to give this kind of advice and resources, because the issue of bullying is a tricky one. Unfortunately, it is a reality that we have not yet been able to get rid of. This means that we have to keep working on it day by day until bullying is completely eradicated from our classrooms and from our lives.

The perfect bullying movies for teens

Fortunately, we have multiple resources to work on bullying, as well as other unwanted situations. One of them is the cinema, always useful to make young people see the need to be educated in values such as solidarity or generosity, and never aggressiveness.

Therefore, we will use films that children may like so that they understand from the point of view of the aggressor how important it is to avoid violence to solve problems that, in general, are usually entrenched in the deepest part of their psyche.

Wonder (2017) Stephen Chbosky

A beautiful film in which we discover the overcoming capacity of a boy who suffers from a facial deformity. The young boy has to overcome the mockery of his classmates while trying to make others understand that this physical characteristic does not define him as a person.

Moonlight (2016) Barry Jenkins

A very hard film in which the consequences of bullying are discovered. In this case, the protagonist is directly traumatized by the bullying he suffered.

A Monster Comes to See Me (2016) J.A. Bayona

A famous film by Spanish director J.A. Bayona in which we meet a boy with a powerful imagination. Wrapped in this story almost made up of dreams, hides a serious case of bullying of a young boy of just 12 years old. Through drama, the boy recreates his own universe in which he can hide his deepest fears that affect him the most.

El país del miedo (2015) Francisco Espada

Another film of Spanish origin in which we discover how bullying affects both children and their families. So much so that it can cause a peaceful person to go to the extreme with the intention of defending his son in a situation of bullying in which they try to extort him himself. Undoubtedly, an interesting work to know the extremes of this terrible phenomenon.

Cyberbully (2011) Charles Binamé

Social networks can mean that bullying does not end in the school environment. In fact, it extends it to the online world, which prevents the affected child from having the slightest chance to disconnect from his or her painful reality.

Bully (2001) Larry Clark

Tough film showing a victim of bullying who, tired of abuse, ends up becoming an executioner. It is an interesting film to expose the abusers to their own reality, but also a different point of view, that of the victim.

The Karate Kid (2010) Harald Zwart

A remake of an old saga from the 80's that shows the reality of children in environments where they are not well adapted. However, it offers a more positive view of the solution to the phenomenon by showing options for young people to escape, in this case, through martial arts.

At Logos International School we work with bullying films perfect for teenagers, as well as other resources, to prevent these problems from appearing in our classrooms.



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