During the school year school year, there is no end to the controversy about homework. Is homework really necessary? Do students have too much work to do outside of class? workload outside of class? A debate that intensifies with the arrival of summer homework: yes or no? summer homework: yes or no?

Recently, the World Health World Health Organization (WHO), has published a study that states that 25% of girls and 34% of boys 25% of girls and 34% of eleven-year-old boys already feel pressure at that age due to homework. age due to the tasks that the school sends home. Figures that increase in later school years. increase in later school years.

In Spain, students students must add an average of six hours of homework per week to the school day. In other words, Spain is one of the one of the countries that sends the most homework to students.

As for summer homework summer homework, children have almost two and a half months of vacation. What do the experts have to say about this? Here, psychologists, teachers and families focus on the same nuance: homework, yes, but in a different way. in a different way.

Experts agree agree that it's good to keep the routine during the summer months, but homework need not be the same as the school year -exercises, exercises, homework assignments, etc. homework doesn't have to be the same as during the school year -exercises, studying from the book, etc.-, studying from the book, etc.-. Summer homework can be aimed at reading, camps and educational workshops, as well as family plans and educational workshops, as well as family plans - museum visits, trips to the cinema or theater -. theater. In short, educational activities focused in a different way. differently.

In this way, children have time to rest, play and have fun in the summer, but without losing their routine. routine.

Summer homework: factors to consider

  • Homework reinforces habits and concepts acquired during the course, which has a positive impact.
  • It is necessary to approach this task by age.
  • We must not lose sight of the needs of each student in order to adapt the homework homework in a personalized way. For example, if a child has had difficulties with a subject during the school year, summer is the perfect time to reinforce that perfect time to reinforce that particular subject.
  • Communicationbetween parents between parents and teachers is essential, in education both parties must go hand in hand. go hand in hand.
  • The key is not to overload with homework. There is time for everything, you just have to plan ahead.

Vacations with a difference: summer camp

Attending summer camp is one of the educational options most recommended by experts. recommended by experts. It is a different way to learn, while children have fun with peers their own age.

Registration is still open for our are still open for our Summer Camp, the Logos International School camp. International School. It takes place in Las Rozas and lasts five weeks, with a variety of activities and educational workshops. with a variety of activities and educational workshops. You can register your children your children for as many weeks as you wish.