It is not always easy It is not always easy to get a teenager to respect the rules and, in fact, it is a problem that many parents report, as they do not know how to act in such a situation. That is why we would like to offer some tips, as well as techniques and tools that can be put into practice to try to make young children understand that they should not exceed the established limits.

When we talk about rules, we are not always referring to those set at home or at school or high school. We also We also talk about laws, safety and security.. Risk can be very attractive to young people, but if they are not aware of what they are doing, and why they are prohibited, they may be endangering their own lives.

Find out how to get a teenager to respect the rules

That said, let's start with some ideas that may be useful in finding common ground with teenagers so that they understand the importance of respecting the rules. 

Seek common ground by avoiding reproaches

When the adolescent breaks a rule, the usual response is reproach, reprimand and even punishment. However, this technique is not always as efficient as we may think. In fact, after a while it becomes ineffective. Why? Because it does not facilitate communication. 

If the child only sees prohibitions, he will understand that his attachment to risk and the forbidden can be good tools to break the rules. That is, in a way, these punishments and these calls for attention can be an invitation to continue doing wrong.

What can we do? The only tool we have at our disposal is smooth and efficient communication.. If there is no effective communication base, we will not be able to reach him. Therefore, the best option is to use empathy, understanding and trust.

If we understand our young people better, we will know why they do what they do, and we will have in our hand a chance to explain why it is wrong, why they could replace it, what the consequences of breaking the rules are in the short, medium and long term, and so on. 

It is important to make people understand that limits protect usand that they are there because it has been proven that it is better not to exceed them. These limits appear in the form of rules that help coexistence in various areas, both social and family.

The importance of limits

The rules are limits that establish the framework framework for proper coexistence. They are necessary for any society, be it a town, a neighborhood, a community of neighbors, a country, a school or educational institution or a family.

These limits must not be crossed. Therefore, it is necessary to make the adolescent aware of them. If we impose them, they may show a certain tendency to break them. If we set them working as a team, reaching agreementsit will be easier for the child to avoid going beyond them.

The consequences

If limits are set in the form of rules, the consequences of not respecting them must also be made clear from the outset. consequences of not respecting them.. For this purpose, punishment is usually chosen, i.e., fines paid for not showing the accepted behavior, fines that are paid for not displaying the accepted behavior..

It is possible that, even if the child is aware of the consequences, he/she will fight after the fact even though he/she knows he/she has done wrong. It will be in our hands to be the authority figure who gives in, or who does not. 

In any case, we have to talk and communicate a lot and communicate well so that the adolescent does not see the punishment as a personal aggression or a grievance. They have simply not complied with a rule, and that has negative consequences for anyone who does not act according to what has been previously negotiated.

Remember that our professional team at Logos International School can offer you much more information in this regard so that you can get a teenager to respect the rules.