It is an undesirable situation, but it can happen, since children, when they go through certain ages such as adolescence, undergo changes in a transition from childhood to adulthood that is not always easy. That is why we want to give you some advice so that you know how to act if your teenager does not talk to you.

Remember the tantrums of your little ones when they were just a few years old? Well, think of something similar, but now from the perspective of a youngster who is over 13 or 14. It's a form of "punishment" when an argument arises, a disagreement arises, when kids don't get what they want, etc.

Obviously, this situation can make the atmosphere at home very tense. That is why it is necessary to solve it, but without haste, taking everything at its own pace.

No matter how communicative we are as parents and adults, no one is free from the possibility that, at a given moment, a teenager gets angry with us and chooses not to talk. Moreover, this phenomenon is often accompanied by bad faces, sullen expressions, defiant attitudes, etc.

Find out what to do if your teenager is not talking to you

Let's see what you can do if your teenager, for whatever reason, has stopped talking to you. Here are some tips that you might find useful.

Send him the right message

Do not try to talk to him directly, just let him know that you understand him, and that his attitude, in any way, is not going to help him achieve his goal. It will be better to discuss it openly and in the right way.

Let's say, for example, that a young man wants to spend more time than allowed with his friends. We can talk to him calmly and say, "I know you want to spend more time on the street with your friends, but not talking to me won't improve the situation. Let's talk and try to find a positive agreement for everyone." You show that you are in control, but give him the opportunity to negotiate and give him responsibility for his upcoming fate.

Shows the consequences

Whenever you feel that the boy's failure to talk to you is behavior that you cannot accept, you must show that his inappropriate attitude will have consequences. This way you teach him that his attitude is not going to be effective.

You can warn them that their behavior will have an outcome that they will not like. For example, that you will end up angry, that he will lose his cell phone, that he will not go out that evening with his friends...

Do not repeat their attitude

We can stop talking to the boy, but it will not be the best option. More than anything, it is better not to put ourselves at his level. If we do so, we demonstrate that his attitude is correct, because we repeat it, which is a justification for him.

You may not feel like communicating, but you have to consider that you are the adult and responsible person. Therefore, you have to empathize, avoid absurd pride and keep the conversational channels open to solve the problem in a calm and sensible way.

Keep an open attitude

The previous point brings us to this one. Obviously, we must maintain an open, conciliatory attitude, tending towards dialogue and consensus. With patience, we will wait for the adolescent to be willing to talk. At that moment, we must be available.

Maintaining a dialogic and friendly attitude does not imply having to accept everything. It is simply a matter of being willing to listen to their arguments and reach consensual agreements, but that should not mean that the young person gets away with his or her wishes if there is no justification.

These tips can help you to act if your teenager does not talk to you. In any case, you can obtain more information thanks to the experts at Logos International School.