Do you want to prevent your young children from spending their entire vacation in front of their cell phone, computer screen or video game console? Here are some summer games for teens that are sure to entertain them and help them escape from their...
Would you like your child to read more? Sometimes, as adults, we think of works that may not appeal to our youngsters. However, there are many books to bring teenagers closer to reading. Here we are going to know some of them. In any case, forcing your...
Not sure how to improve communication between parents and teens? Unfortunately, it is not always easy. However, we should not give up either, because it is possible and, if done well, it will give excellent results. As difficult as it may be to...
The use of resources to work with children and young people is always welcome, since it allows us to go deeper into the situations we want to make visible and at the same time helps children to see better and more clearly what we are looking for in each case. For example.
Generating empathy among adolescents is a key task in the welfare of young people going through this sometimes hard road that takes human beings from childhood to adulthood. In any case, as individuals, we must be aware of the importance of...
At the curricular level, there are always subjects that are better than others. It is normal, because children have their abilities, their tastes, their motivations ... Now, we want to give some tips on how to get your teenager to pass mathematics. If...