With the return to routine, children experience a host of emotions. Excitement to reuniting with their classmates and resuming the activities they enjoy so much, and nerves and nerves because a new stage is beginning.

One of the positive positive aspects of the arrival of September are the extracurricular and complementary activities. extracurricular and complementary activities. With the return to school, it is time to plan the school year and the children's routines. planning the school year and the children's routines, but which activities to choose?

The extracurricular activities bring numerous benefits benefits to children, They complete both their education and their development. In order to choose the most It is convenient to take into account the interests and preferences of the little ones, so that they are and preferences of the children, so that they are motivated to attend these activities. activities.

In addition, it is necessary to the frequency of extracurricular classes must be taken into account, so as not to overload the children with work. At these ages, there should be no lack of time to play! to play!

Advantages of extracurricular activities

  • Typically, after-school activities are usually taught in groups, so they are perfect for fostering teamwork and socialization.
  • They allow the acquisition of new skills and abilities that help to complement those of the College. school.
  • They can also serve as reinforcement for those subjects that are more difficult for children. children have a hard time with.

Which activity to choose?

The offer of extracurricular extracurricular activities are becoming more and more extensive: languages, sports, workshops?

At both Logos International School and at Logos Nursery School (Las Rozas, Madrid), students have the the possibility of signing up for activities during school hours.

  • Sports. The students can attend a wide range of sports activities: rhythmic gymnastics, tennis, paddle tennis, judo, fencing, soccer gymnastics, tennis, paddle tennis, judo, fencing, soccer, volleyball, basketball and chess. In addition, our competition teams in some of these disciplines, compete regularly in the Las Rozas Municipal League.
  • Dance and modern dance. Our students have the opportunity to learn different types of dance. dance.
  • German and Mandarin Chinese. After English, these are some of the languages most demanded by Spanish students. Spanish students.
  • Scrapbook. The scrapbooking groups a set of different techniques to make crafts.
  • Cooking school. With this activity, they increase their autonomy, while learning to eat healthily. healthy eating.
  • Workshop for young entrepreneurs. This workshop brings students closer to entrepreneurship through the creation of projects. creation of projects.
  • Digital photography. A booming activity, closely related to new technologies.
  • Robotics. Through programming, creativity and logical thinking are enhanced.
  • Music school. The music fosters intellectual, sensory, auditory and motor development.
  • Debate Club. A space of freedom of expression to learn to speak, to listen and to argue, always with respect. respect.
  • Theater. Activities based on spoken and corporal expression, including the performance of plays. plays.
  • Painting. Drawing, techniques, colors and materials to put into practice one of the seven Fine Arts. Arts.

All the activities are are adapted by age, so that all our students can have fun and learn at the same time, no matter their age. have fun and learn at the same time, no matter what age they are. Who wants to join us?