Reading is beginning to be lost in this era of digitalization and professionals recommend trying to keep it as an essential habit in the lives of young people so that they integrate it into their routines and can continue to enjoy it when they are older. It is difficult to do so with the amount of distractions in today's world (phones, video consoles, social networks...) but not impossible.

What needs to be done to encourage teenagers to read at home?

With the advent of new technologies, telephones and social networks, more and more teenagers are refusing to read books because they are preoccupied with other things. It is important to maintain this habit because reading educates, educates and is not harmful. To encourage it, it is necessary to make it attractive and for this we leave you a series of tips that can help your children to increase the habit of reading at home.

Allow her to choose books she likes

It is important that the child chooses the books he/she wants to read, that way once he/she is ready to read, he/she will enjoy reading more and will not associate it with an obligation. Parents can recommend a book but never impose it, as this can generate a rejection and that is precisely what we are avoiding.

Do not judge their choices

As we have mentioned before, you have to give them total freedom to decide which book they want to read, but once they have chosen it, you should not judge their choices. Remember that your child is not an adult and does not share the same tastes as you, so respect their decisions and encourage them to continue enjoying the reading they like.

Discuss with your child the books he/she reads

Reading is not only an educational or entertainment tool, but it can also create connections between human beings or help to improve them. In this case, your child will appreciate it if you ask about what is being read and if you comment on the story and take an interest in it, and conversations about books will encourage him to continue to enjoy the different stories they have to offer.

Setting an example

As always, lead by example. If your teen sees that you are a parent who devotes time to reading, he will also be more likely to be attracted to this hobby. You can even find books together to read, but the main thing is to encourage reading by being a role model.

Invite him/her to read books in which there are series or movies based on them.

There are thousands and thousands of books whose universes and stories go beyond what is written on paper and become movies or series. Your child will probably feel more attracted to read something that, after finishing it, he/she can continue watching on TV, especially if it is a series of several books with series of different seasons or several movies.

Remember that our professional team at Logos International School can offer you information on how best to get your child to read more at home.