"Making students aware of the value of the world we live in and actively participating in its conservation are the keys to achieving a better and more sustainable future". At Logos International School we know how important the environment is for everyone, and we are especially interested in the importance that our students attach to it, as well as the best way to protect and conserve it. Logos International School is part of the Eco-Schools Networkan international organization oriented to promote eco-healthy practices and activities within educational environments.

Since we became part of this program four years ago, we have multiplied the number of activities framed in our annual ecological plan, where the main protagonists and true precursors of environmentalism are our students. In addition, Ecoescuelas has already granted us the award that certifies us as a "Center committed to the Environment". We tell you what the environment is and how we can protect it from our own environment.

What is the environment for children?

Daniel Casas, Teacher and Coordinator of the Ecology and Environment Project at Logos International School, talks to us about how children conceive the International School, talks to us about how children conceive of the environment, and and also gives us several tips for its conservation from the place where they spend a good part of the week: in the classroom. where they spend a good part of the week: in the classroom.

"The participation The participation of students in the care of the environment is essential for a better future, where the reduction of pollutants where the reduction of polluting agents is a priority, where the rational use of resources is resources and, in short, where an environment of true sustainability is achieved. environment of true sustainability".

However, it is normal that during the However, it is normal that during the process of learning and change of mentality that leads us to habits that are not very sustainable for our immediate environment, a question may arise immediate environment, a question arises: 

What is the environment for children? 

"The truth is that The environment in which students develop is one of the most important parts of the development of environmentalism. important for the development of environmentalism. 

In this sense, Environment is nothing more than everything that surrounds them, both physical and chemical. chemical. In other words, what we can see, but also what we cannot see. The The environment in which the students live every day and everything with which they can interact can be can interact with, can be understood as 'their environment'.

Therefore, taking care of it and try to avoid its degradation as much as possible should be the main objective", adds the professor.

Tips on how to take care of the environment.

The first thing we teachers must take into account is to offer our students a healthy environment in all senses. From this will depend that their development takes place within the appropriate conditions and environment

Making the most of natural light

During the day, electricity consumption is not as necessary. It is important to open windows, and to teach students to make the most of sunlight.

Recycle as much as possible

Old clothes, books, toys...? 

Before throwing it all away it is better to check if it can be given a second chance, by reusing them. In this way, you save money by avoiding buying something new and, at the same time, Nature is protected. at the same time, Nature is protected. 

Ecoescuelas advises us and provides us with material and tools that our students put into practice on a daily basis, such as paper and plastic recycling or the traditional Christmas decoration contest made with 100% recycled materials.

Separate garbage correctly 

Before recycling some waste, it is necessary to separate it. It is essential to help students with this task, teaching them what is thrown away in each container and why. In this sense, ecopilas, ecovidrio and Ecoescuelas itself provide us with group dynamics and training each year to encourage these habits.

Do not leave appliances plugged in

Televisions, computers, video game consoles, loudspeakers, etc., when plugged in, consume energy regardless of whether they are turned off. Do not forget to unplug them when they are not in use.


Trees and plants are are essential to preserve nature. They provide oxygen and reduce part of the CO².

It is vital to to make students aware of the importance of planting.

At Logos International School our students enjoy their own garden. 

Thanks to the Ecoescuelas of Eco-schools and multiple collaborating organizations and companies committed to the environment, we have with the environment, we have multiplied the number of activities within the framework of our annual our annual ecological plan, making our students the true protagonists of ecology!