As parents and teachers, we have to be very attentive to fads. Sometimes, unfortunately, they are dangerous. This is the case with happy slappingvery popular among some groups of teenagers which, although it originated in the United Kingdom more than 15 years ago, has unfortunately arrived in our country recently.

Happy slapping, a very dangerous type of bullying

Authorities estimate that more than 75,000 children and young people may have been victims of this type of bullying. But how does it differ from bullying? bullying "and what makes it different? Planning, premeditation and malice aforethought.

In cases of happy slapping, it has been observed that the perpetrators look for excuses to isolate the victim. Once in the place where they want to have the affected child, they harass and assault her, if possible, in spaces where they will not be interrupted.

In addition to premeditation and specific planning, this problem has a second phase. Assaults on children are recorded and, subsequently, shared through digital channels, both in instant messaging applications and social networks.

The consequences

We can assume that the consequences are not at all flattering. On the one hand, the aggressors consider that humiliating other people gives them leadership, a stronger personal ego. Generally, in the medium and long term, the opposite is actually achieved.

On the other hand, the victim suffers devastating consequences, greater than those of bullying in its more "traditional" aspect. In addition to the fact of being a victim of abuse, there is the problem of the dissemination of such content, turning the child into a source of derision and laughter among many of his schoolmates.

Cases have been observed with thousands of views of videos containing happy slapping. This ridiculing of the individual is combined with the physical consequences of the aggressions and the psychological problems of verbal insults.

Thus, the victim becomes increasingly ashamed, which can lead to a propensity to suffer from various psychological disorders, such as depression, sleep problems, poor academic performance and, in extreme cases, suicidal behavior.

How adults should act

In the face of such undesirable practices as happy slapping, adults must be inflexible. Therefore, we must take appropriate measures as soon as possible:

  1. Identification of the problem: be on the lookout for a similar situation. Affected children are usually reserved and fearful. Therefore, we will look for changes in their attitude, eating, academic performance, sleep, etc.
  2. Communication: In any case, proper communication will be important, both with the bullies and with the bully. As soon as signs of abuse are detected, we will act quickly and gain each other's trust so that we can get to know the situation well and work in the right direction.
  3. Use legal channels: we will then talk to all the actors involved, parents, teachers, psychology professionals and legal forces, since in many cases it is the police forces that are responsible for putting an end to the situation, as it does not always occur within the educational institution.

In any case, bullying, in all its forms, including this one known as happy slapping, must be tackled as soon as possible, as it is a problem among children that affects society as a whole. For this reason, at Logos International Schoolwe put in place all the mechanisms and protocols within our reach so that situations like this do not occur and, if they do, we can put an end to them as soon as possible and in the most appropriate way possible.