Adolescence isauniquestage,characterized by thedevelopment oftheindividualthrougha multitude ofphysical,emotional,social andcognitivechanges. Theadolescentbrain isone of themostimportantparts ofthistransition.Althoughscientistshavebeenstudying theadolescentbrainfordecades, there isstillmuch tolearn.

This articleoffersalook athow theadolescentbrainworks andhowparentscan help theirchildrennavigatethis phase.

The adolescent brain is developing rapidly during this stage. The last part of the brain to mature is the prefrontal lobe, which is responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and long-term planning. This area of the brain matures during adolescence, which helps explain why adolescents may have trouble thinking long-term and controlling their emotions.

During adolescence, the brain also becomes more sensitive to reward. This means that adolescents may be more motivated to seek pleasurable experiences than adults. This also explains, in part, why adolescents may be more willing to take risks and seek out exciting experiences.

In addition, the adolescent brain also becomes more sensitive to social stimuli. This means that adolescents are particularly interested in how they relate to others and how they are perceived. As a result, adolescents may be particularly sensitive to negative comments and what they think of them in their environment.

Parents have an important role to play in helping their teenagers through this time of change. They can help their children by providing a safe environment where they can make responsible decisions and learn from their mistakes.

It is also important for parents to take the time to listen to their children and try to understand their perspectives.

Another way tohelp them is by providing healthy role models and sharing your own experiences .

Inshort, the adolescent brain is in a constant state of flux. This stage of development can be challenging, and frustrating, but it also offers the opportunity to learn new skills and develop new connections.

By helping your children understand and address the changes their brains are experiencing, you can help them navigate this stage in a healthy way. From the specialized psycho-pedagogical office of Logos International School, a leading bilingual school in Las Rozas de Madrid, we are at your service to help you in this task.