There are many educational centers that currently use the school garden, not only as a teaching tool, but also as a teaching strategy to awaken and motivate an ecological awareness. It has a wide range of benefits and activities that can be...
Invented stories are ideal for stimulating a child's imagination. When you create or tell a story, you share with your child a fun moment that strengthens family bonds. There are many benefits to be obtained from made-up stories to stimulate the child's...
In recent years, recycling has become part of our daily lives. How many times do we hear the word recycle? We may see it on posters, newspapers, billboards, packaging, but are we really recycling properly?
With the end of the school year, we have ahead of us a period of free time that we should occupy with activities that motivate our children. At Logos International, a private school located in Las Rozas, we want to help you find the perfect plan for you and your children....
The school uniform helps families save on their family budget, and it also has many benefits for both students and parents. Although the school uniform continues to generate debate in the educational community, today we will look at 7 advantages...
The end of the enrollment period is approaching and with it, doubts arise about which school to choose. This is the time when many families are looking for a school. Schools are the place where children will spend a large part of their childhood and where they will have the opportunity to...