Logos International School Blog
How to do a dramatic reading with children?
Dramatized reading is a modality, of oral character, where the main reader must represent through his voice the scenes and characters he encounters. Performing this practice brings many advantages. This kind of reading helps to develop the reader's skills and...
4 tips para apoyar a niños con altas capacidades.
28En Logos International, comprendemos la importancia de identificar y apoyar a los niños con altas capacidades. Estos jóvenes poseen un potencial excepcional que, cuando se nutre correctamente, puede llevarlos a lograr grandes cosas. Aquí presentamos cuatro consejos...
5 maneras de enseñar a los jóvenes a ser solidarios
En Logos Internacional, no solo nos esforzamos por ofrecer una educación académica de calidad, sino también por cultivar valores fundamentales que preparen a nuestros estudiantes para ser ciudadanos responsables y solidarios. En este contexto, destacamos cinco maneras...
Cómo apoyar a tu hijo en la elección de su carrera universitaria
La elección de una carrera universitaria es un momento clave en la vida de un joven, y como padres, nuestro papel es crucial para brindar apoyo sin imponer nuestras propias expectativas. Aquí te comparto algunos consejos para acompañar a tu hijo en este proceso tan...
4 consejos para Motivar a los Adolescentes sin Presionarlos Demasiado
La adolescencia es una etapa crucial en el desarrollo de nuestros hijos, llena de cambios físicos, emocionales y sociales. Como padres, queremos apoyar a nuestros adolescentes para que alcancen su potencial, pero hacerlo sin ejercer demasiada presión puede ser un...
How social networks influence adolescent behavior
Many parents wonder how social networks influence adolescent behavior. It is a logical and legitimate question that usually arouses negative notions among parents. The truth is that the use of social networks should not necessarily be...
How to foster creativity among adolescents
Encouraging creativity among teenagers is important to prevent them from becoming comfortable and staying in their comfort zone. In fact, the earlier children begin to develop their creative abilities, the better, as it will be a skill that they will need...
“Saber Educar” por el Dr. Javier Urra
Javier Urra es Dr. en Psicología con la especialidad de Clínica y Forense, Dr. en Ciencias de la Salud. Profesor en Pedagogía Terapéutica, psicólogo en excedencia voluntaria de la Fiscalía del Tribunal Superior de Justicia y de los Juzgados de Menores de Madrid. r y...
BeReal, la Red Social de Moda entre Adolescentes, ¿Es Peligrosa?
En el vertiginoso mundo de las redes sociales, constantemente emergen nuevas plataformas dirigidas a diferentes grupos demográficos. Una de las últimas tendencias es BeReal, una red social que ha ganado popularidad rápidamente, especialmente entre los adolescentes....
Is Your Teen Bored? 4 Keys to Understanding it
Adolescence is often a period of change and discovery. However, it is common for parents to face the statement that their teenagers are bored. As experts in education, we want to provide you with some keys to understand...
Vamping: Your Teenage Child Not Sleeping Because of the Cell Phone?
Adolescence is a stage of life full of changes, and one of the most relevant current challenges is the impact of technology on adolescent sleep. The term "vamping" has been coined to describe the habit of staying up until the wee hours of the...
How to Encourage Patience in Your Children in the Age of Immediacy
In an age where information comes instantly and gratification seems to be almost instantaneous, instilling patience in children has become an essential challenge for parents and educators. The ability to wait, to be patient, is a skill that...
5 Back-to-School Tips: Setting the Stage for a Successful Year
Back to school can be an exciting and challenging time for both children and parents. As early childhood education experts, we understand the importance of establishing a solid foundation for a successful school year. Here are five helpful tips...
Helping your child with test anxiety
Exams are an inevitable part of the educational process, and can generate anxiety and stress in many children. As experts in early childhood education, we are aware of the importance of providing them with the support they need to manage these emotions and cope with the...
4 tips for negotiating schedules with teenagers
Adolescence is a period of great changes and challenges for young people and their families. One of the aspects that can generate tensions and conflicts is the negotiation of schedules. Adolescents seek independence and want to have control over their...
5 tips to increase reading at home
Reading is beginning to be lost in this era of digitalization and professionals recommend trying to keep it as an essential habit in the lives of young people so that they can integrate it into their routines and continue to enjoy it when they are already adults.
4 movies to teach your children to cope with difficulties
We all use cinema, television and the audiovisual world in general as a means of entertainment, but the seventh art is also a perfect key to educate and teach human lessons. There are many films that, unintentionally, teach us great...
4 tips to communicate better with your teenager
Sometimes communication with teenagers can be truncated because they become less accessible during this period, they go through processes and changes in their personality that make communication with parents difficult, that is why it is necessary to be patient and give them...
How to improve the nutrition of adolescents?
Eating healthy is essential for the proper development of adolescents, both physically and mentally, as it is not only healthy for their bodies but also encourages them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In addition, parents have a fundamental role to play when it comes to...
4 risks for a teenager on the Internet
The Internet is exposed to everyone and there is no content exposure regulator for young people, so they have access to everything on the network. Although it is an advantage for learning and development, it is often a problem, because the network does not...
5 attitudes to avoid with your teenager
There are times when adolescence becomes the most delicate and complicated time in our children's lives, because it is the process they go through to become adults and it is not always easy because they are presented with several difficulties that they are not able to overcome....