Going back to school is not usually an easy situation for anyone. Vacations are over, children are forced to return to their routines after the weeks off, parents have to prepare all the school supplies... Sometimes it seems that time is not enough.

However, it is also obvious that going back to school after the vacations has a certain charm. Children meet their classmates again, discover new books and subjects to study, and so on.

How to face back-to-school in a positive way

In any case, as parents, we must promote a positive adaptation to the routines that begin during the next 10 months of our children's lives. That is why we believe these tips can be very useful for the whole family.

Preparation of school supplies

It is common that, before the new school year, parents have to prepare the school material for the classes. Not only the textbooks, but also the pencil case with their diaries, pencils, paints, backpacks, etc.

It is advisable to make a list in advance so that, when the time comes, everything is prepared and there are no last minute surprises, which are rarely pleasant.

Pre-adaptation to new schedules

Going back to school is always complex for children. After more than two months of vacation, resuming schedules, obligations and early mornings is rarely easy for students.

However, during the last days of vacation we should adapt the routines. It is good for children to start reading and reviewing, getting up and going to bed earlier and preparing their psyche and their organism for the new schedules and habits.

Prepare a budget in advance

As we have already mentioned, as back-to-school time approaches, parents should prepare a budget and a list of all the details. We have already talked about school supplies, but textbooks must also be purchased and, in many cases, uniforms or, failing that, everyday clothes for the children. It is convenient to have everything well tied up in advance so that nothing escapes us when the course is started.

Get to know the teachers and others

If you do not know the school, or if your child's teachers are new, it is also interesting to talk to them, exchange impressions, discuss the particularities and special needs that your child may have, their talents and abilities, etc.

If, in addition, it is the first time that the student goes to school, as we say, it is positive to approach the facilities, to know how the center works, what is its educational plan, its values, etc.


Patience is a key tool that parents always have to work with. Children undergo a rather drastic change with the return to school, which is not always easy for them.

So, at this time, especially if our child changes school, high school or center, it is important to be patient and understanding with him/her. However, every child is different. There are those who are more daring, more shy, more confident and with more or less self-control. In any case, we will be by his side and we will encourage and accompany him in every step he takes.

In the end, it's all a matter of time. With calm and positivity, children eventually adapt and return to their routines, accepting the habits associated with going back to school.

At Logos International School, an international school in Las Rozas de Madrid , we have professionals and protocols that facilitate this process for our students. Our team is concerned that the children's return to school is simple and without any trauma so that they can get into the rhythm and habit of studying as soon as possible.