There are times when adolescence becomes the most delicate and complicated time in our children's lives, because it is the process they go through to become adults and it is not always easy because they are presented with several difficulties that they are not able to face by themselves. That is why parents have a responsibility regarding this process and we must try to accompany them along the way, but avoiding certain attitudes that may interfere in their emotions in a wrong way.

Attitudes to avoid when dealing with your teenager

That said, let's identify those attitudes to try to avoid when dealing with them to help them have a full and peaceful adolescence, without any external factors other than maturing along the way.

Attempting to control all areas of your life 

The first mistake is to try to control them too much. They are already autonomous people, they have to take their own steps because they are not children. The basis is to trust them and their choices so that they feel validated enough to empower themselves and do the right things without the need for parents to keep an eye on them in case they make a wrong action in the process.

Reject their way of being 

It is important that you accept and love him as he is, with his personality, the way he dresses, the way he combs his hair, the way he expresses himself... Feeling rejected by parents is a very sad feeling for teenagers, so ideally there should be no criticism or judgment, but rather unconditional support and validation of him as a human being. 

Invading your space 

The first contact with the feeling of privacy and intimacy is adolescence, and young people are especially sensitive if they feel that their personal space is being invaded. In fact, their method of defense against the feeling of invasion may be to physically and emotionally withdraw. 

Checking their cell phone, rummaging through their things and other such actions can cause them to feel hurt and overwhelmed with overprotectiveness. It is a matter of trust and respect that will lead to a healthy relationship based on empathy and assertiveness. 

Forcing you to make decisions you don't want to make

Teenagers have to chart their own paths. It is important that we are present as guides and counselors but they themselves are the ones who must make their own decisions, whether educational, work, personal... Children should not chase our dreams, but create their own, so as parents we must empower them to take the right steps but always keeping the essence of what they want to be themselves in the future.

Not showing confidence in him

Finally, they need to receive a sense of confidence from their parents. They need to be told that they can do anything and to show it, so keep a positive attitude towards your child and encourage them with support and affection.

In any case, you can receive more help from the professionals that make up the team of Logos International School if you do not know how to manage an adolescent behavior problem.