Do you want to prevent your young children from spending all their vacations in front of their cell phone, computer or video game console screens? Here we propose summer games for teenagers that are sure to entertain them and help them escape from the technological routine in which, sometimes, due to boredom or other reasons, they end up.

So, while we do not want to criticize technology excessively, as it has magnificent uses that help in the optimal development of children and young people, we do understand that it is not good to abuse it.

In addition, group activities are great, as socialization is necessary, and meaningful relationships are advised by many experts, such as psychologist and Harvard University professor Tal Ben-Shahar.

For all these reasons, it is a good idea to get outdoors and get our teenagers to enjoy outdoor activities, taking advantage of the good weather and the warmth of summer.

In any case, let us remember the importance of balance. Everything used in its right measure allows us to take advantage of the benefits and minimize the risks. So, in order for young people to have a healthy life, let's bet on an appropriate combination of technology and outdoor activities that also allow them to socialize.

Summer games for teenagers

And now, without further ado, let's take a look at these summer games for teens to facilitate their socialization and happiness.

The scarf

It is a magnificent game that needs two groups of young people, and it can be enjoyed in summer or at any time of the year, but now is the ideal time because it needs to be outdoors and the weather is good.

Two groups are formed. One of the boys stands in the center with a handkerchief, and several meters away from him both teams join together in a straight line.

Each child on each team is given a number. For example, if there are 5 in each team, they are numbered from 1 to 5. Then, the boy in the center with the handkerchief will call out one of the numbers. Each young person who has been assigned the indicated number will run for the handkerchief. Then, whoever gets it first, must return to his teammates without the opponent getting it first so as not to be eliminated.

Obstacle courses

Let's think of another ideal outdoor activity for the summer. For this, we will organize obstacle courses, with the obstacles being something in the way, or another way to prevent us from running freely.

Let's think about classic races. For example, tying each contender by the feet. Or tying one foot to the foot of another partner, having to reach agreements in order to move forward and compete.

We can also bet on the classic sack races, with the children inside the sack, which can not fall at any time. Or wheelbarrow races, if we have such wheelbarrows, or with a youngster playing the role of a wheelbarrow.

Racing with spoons and eggs

It's a classic, but it's still fun, so it's a pleasure to bring this game back every summer.

You are almost certainly familiar with it, as it is a very famous activity that has even been seen many times on television. The test is simple. We need large spoons and eggs. Then, you have to put the handle of the spoon in the mouth, the egg in the concave part, and from there, make races trying not to drop the egg, which is not easy at all.

Want to have a great vacation by getting your young kids off their cell phones and outdoors? Write down these summer games for teens and contact the experts at Logos International School to learn more.