
Volleyball can be a perfect choice for an after-school or recreational activity. It is a versatile sport, ideal to be practiced by a large group of children, promoting their education and group work while having fun at the same time. To play volleyball all you need is a ball and a net that divides the field into two parts. Volleyball is a good sport for children to learn to work as a team, move and exercise quickly. Invented by fitness trainer William G. Morgan in 1895, volleyball can be played any time of the year, indoors or outdoors, in a gymnasium, on a playground or even on the sand at the beach.

Each team consists of six players, who do not maintain physical contact with each other, each occupying a position of attack, defense and blocking. In addition, as it is a sport with little physical contact, the injury rate is very low. To propel the ball in the different game situations, different techniques are used; the child will learn to hit the ball avoiding its retention, dragging or accompaniment. Words or positions within volleyball such as "serve", "finger touch", "forearm hit", "spike" and "block" are well known and used in volleyball games, so the child will have to become familiar with them. The variety and quantity of volleyball exercises are very wide, and their benefits are evident for the little ones of the house.

In this case, mini-volleyball is suitable for children and beginners. The difference is that it is played in a smaller space, with fewer players per team and the ball is lighter.

  • Ability to combine fast and reactive movements 80% 80%
  • Adaptation to continuously changing situations 90% 90%
  • Automated motor skills (running, jumping, etc.) 95% 95%
  • Balance and control capacity 80% 80%
  • Motivation for integration, cooperation and team work 100% 100%
  • Physical endurance and concentration 90% 90%