Bachillerato de Liderazgo Universitario

En Logos International, colegio privado en Las Rozas, impartimos el Bachillerato de Liderazgo Universitario.

Nuestro bachillerato está diseñado para mirar hacia adelante, hacia el futuro. Aquí nuestros alumnos no solo aprenden contenidos académicos, también adquieren herramientas que les ayudan a pensar de forma crítica, a ser responsables y a tomar decisiones con autonomía. Todo esto, con un enfoque en la excelencia académica y el desarrollo personal.

Todo ello en un clima de valores con fundamento entre los que destacan el respeto, la solidaridad, tolerancia  y responsabilidad personal.

At this stage, attention to the academic and professional orientation of students is fundamental.


Teachers and tutors will contribute to develop in students the skills that will enable them to:

  • Exercise democratic citizenship.
  • To consolidate personal and social maturity.
  • Promote effective equality of rights and opportunities between men and women.
  • Strengthen reading, study and discipline habits.
  • Master, both in oral and written expression, the Spanish language.
  • Express oneself fluently and correctly in one or more foreign languages.
  • Use information and communication technologies with solvency and responsibility.
  • Use physical education and sport to promote personal and social development.
  • Strengthen attitudes of respect and prevention in the area of road safety.
  • Participate in an active and supportive way in the care and development of the social and natural environment.

To develop a critical spirit that will allow them to decide tomorrow.

The methodology will favor the students' ability to learn by themselves, to work in teams and to apply the appropriate research methods. Likewise, students will be encouraged to relate the theoretical aspects of the different subjects with their practical applications.