Nutrition is essential for proper physical and mental development, as well as to avoid diseasessuch as childhood obesity, such as childhood obesity. For It is therefore important to acquire good eating habits is important to acquire good eating habits in childhood, as they change very little in later years. later years.

Learning by imitation does not only take place at home at home, but is also influenced by the school environment and the immediate environment of family and friends. and friends also play a role. But most of the burden of healthy But most of the burden of healthy education falls on parents, who must correctly ration the nutritional nutritional needs in the five meals of the day: 25% at breakfast, 30% at lunch, 15% at dinner, 15% at dinner and 15% at lunch, 30% at lunch, 15% at snack and 30% at dinner.

Meals should incorporate seasonal fruits, vegetables, dairy, low-fat meats, complex carbohydrates and fiber, while avoiding processed and processed foods. complex carbohydrates and fiber, while avoiding processed foods and soft drinks. sodas; children should drink almost exclusively water

The ideal school canteen

Almost two million children eat at school in Spain, so it is vitally important to make sure that they attend a school to ensure that they attend a school with a quality school canteen, which helps to quality school canteen, which contributes to instilling healthy lifestyle habits in the youngest the youngest members of the household. 

According to nutrition nutrition experts, the ideal dining room should offer a first and second course, as well as a dessert; the lunch menu should cover around should cover around 30% of the daily energy energy needs; and of course, it should promote healthy lifestyle habits. Nor can we forget that, sometimes, the canteen program can be nutritionally correct, but not at all attractive. nutritionally correct, and yet not at all appealing to children. That is why we must also This is why we must also take care of this aspect and prepare the menu in an appealing way.

Although the basics are the same the same in the nutrition of children and adults, daily nutritional guidelines vary depending on age. daily nutritional guidelines vary depending on age, so menus should be adapted and developed by a nutrition expert. and developed by a nutrition expert.

Healthy education at Logos International School

Among our facilities, we have our own kitchen kitchen that prepares a daily balanced menu, supervised by a menu , supervised by a nutritionist. In addition, we adjust the to their individual needs, such as allergies and intolerances. intolerances. And because the way the dishes are cooked is important, at Logos we prepare most of our canteen meals in the oven, steamed, boiled or grilled. or grilled.

There are two dining rooms divided by stages. The dining room in the El Ruedo building is used by 1st grade students, while the dining room in the central building is used by 1st grade students. primary school students, while the dining hall located in the central building is divided into two divided into two areas, one for primary school students and the other for secondary and baccalaureate students. secondary and baccalaureate students.

The menus are composed of balanced balanced meals, combining vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates, in the quantities recommended by experts for each age group. carbohydrates, in the quantities recommended by experts for each age group.

Our main objective is to Our main objective is to be an active part of the healthy education of our students, a joint strategy with the families, so that our young families, so that our young students can develop properly. development.