There are many educational centers that currently use the school garden, not only as a didactic tool, but also as a teaching strategy to awaken and motivate ecological awareness. It has a wide range of benefits and activities that can be done with students using this great transversal learning resource.

The school garden is an area for growing vegetables, fruits, ornamental or medicinal plants, among others. This space offers students the opportunity to appreciate a natural environment in which they can learn and foster a series of attitudes of coexistence, responsibility and collaboration, essential for the development of the child.

Benefits of the school garden

The use of a Logos International school garden as an educational resource has proven to have multiple benefits for our students, which not only contribute to the development of knowledge and skills, but also to the formation of values and attitudes that are essential in the development process. We invite you to know some of them:

  • The school garden allows the integration of different areas of knowledge, functioning as a transversal and interdisciplinary axis in the different stages of education, from early education where the child begins to interact in a unique way with the environment that surrounds him/her, up to high school, where he/she is able to learn about the environment. baccalaureate where he/she actively participates in ecological and educational processes.
  • It allows students to experience and interact in a unique way with the natural environment.
  • Promotes values of cooperation, patience, perseverance and responsibility in students.
  • It promotes the organization of time and space, creating skills to establish the correct moment for watering the plants, in addition to having to evaluate the square meters available for planting.
  • Develops motor skills through the handling of cultivation tools and instruments.
  • It is a motivational tool to develop habits of environmental care and responsibility.
  • It allows to know the nutritional value of fruits and foods, while promoting a balanced and healthy diet.
  • It can contribute to the teaching of mathematics, taking into account concepts such as: quantities, geometric shapes, areas, surfaces, distance, time, progressions, among others.
  • Promotes the participation of families directly in the school. For example, a family member contributing their expertise in gardening and cultivation, or indirectly when it is done at home at the request of the students themselves.
  • It raises awareness of the usefulness of organic waste and how it can be used for composting.
  • It contributes to break the school routine, in a free space, full of physical and emotional activities.

Activities of the School Garden project at Logos International:

The purpose of a school garden at Logos International Schol is not to create an area for cultivation, but to involve students and other members of the educational community in eco-healthy activities. There are many activities that we carry out in the school garden, among them we highlight:

- Seed collection

The cultivation process begins with the seed, planning various activities for its collection is a fun task, while acquiring knowledge about its conservation and storage.

- Initiation to sowing

Students can start their activities in the school garden by sowing some seeds, using various resources such as pots or cultivation tables, among others.

- Composting

Composting is a simple process that makes it possible to use organic waste in an efficient way, contributing to a principle of care and sustainable development.

- Building a scarecrow

It is a fun activity in which our students love to participate, promoting the value of care and protection of their spaces and crops.

There are many activities that can be carried out in a school garden, both for fun and for the students' learning: discovering new smells, producing color with leaves, making home remedies...

In Logos International private school located in Las Rozas, we value the importance of a school garden as a significant resource within the educational work. Our pillars are based on the formation of values and innovation that make us go further in the search for new tools to strengthen our Eco-school so that everyone participates, from students to the educational community.