How can we know if a teenager has low self-esteem? There are several indicators that clearly show us how to discover if they are suffering from some kind of problem in this regard. But first, what is self-esteem?


We understand self-esteem as a degree of self-acceptance. That is to say, each individual values himself according to the objective information he has about himself, to which he adds a subjective evaluation of the information obtained.

The care of self-esteem is important from the first years of life. The experiences, care and environment surrounding the child will be key in its future development in adolescence and adulthood.

It is the parents' job to teach children the best way to act, both when they do something well and when it is the other way around, so that they feel that they are valued, but that they should behave in the best way without damaging their own self-esteem or that of others.

Symptoms to know if a teenager has low self-esteem

Let's see one by one the symptoms that can make us suspect that a teenager does not have adequate self-esteem depending on their typology. Take note:

  • Physical symptoms: these are manifestations that we can see with the naked eye, and vary according to severity. Insomnia, headache or stomach ache, tremors, etc., may occur.
  • Cognitive symptoms: these symptoms are more difficult to detect, as they are related to their thoughts and attitude towards life. However, by talking to them sincerely we can find valuable clues. It appears when they constantly repeat phrases such as "I can't", "I don't know how to do it", "nothing works for me", "I don't want to try", "I don't like my body", "I want to be someone else", etc.
  • Behavioral symptoms: these are quite striking because we see that young people do not show themselves in an open, cheerful or natural way. Now, sometimes some adolescents are also able to hide their emotions well. They tend to present themselves in different ways. Most commonly, we see them as sad and despondent. It is also common for them to be inhibited, unsociable or even aggressive or defiant. Other formulas that we see in these cases are perfectionist attitudes in excess, or perhaps with a desire to please that escapes from the normal. Some children express this through their chronic indecisiveness, perhaps by making mistakes or not living up to what is expected of them.

How to treat a teenager with low self-esteem

Let's see how we can treat a teenager with low self-esteem. To do this, the first step is an evaluation of the case. Until we know what is going on and have an overview of the case, it is better not to do anything.

In these complex cases, all the actors involved play a fundamental role. Parents will be the ones to observe, so that, with what they discover, they can discuss with teachers. From there, they can turn to specialist psychologists who can analyze what is there and make an appropriate diagnosis of the situation.

From this point on, the work done by the professionals will be directed not only to the adolescent, but also to the parents and to those people who are important in the young person's environment. All the actors involved will learn guidelines to promote the child's self-esteem.

The adolescent will also learn to identify their emotions and find the best way to manage them, learn to solve problems, work on body image and discover how to enhance their positive aspects in order to feel better about themselves.

Observation is an ideal method to know if an adolescent has low self-esteem. At Logos International School, an international school in Las Rozas de Madrid, we have a professional and specialized team to deal with the problems that may arise among our students.