Looking for help with your young child? In this article we are going to analyze a common situation that is more common than desirable: we will learn how to manage an adolescent behavior problem when the child shows inappropriate psychological symptoms.

Tips on how to manage adolescent behavioral problems

Apply certain educational educational guidelines can help parents manage teenage misbehavior. However, every family is different and so is every teenager. Therefore, we recommend applying and adapting these tips according to the situation and, in case they are not effective, to consult with our psycho-pedagogical professionals.

Delimit the problem objectively

The first step will be to delimit the problem in question. Here we are talking about his behavior. But his behavior, in relation to what? Is he rude in his manners? Does he pay no attention to anyone? Does he spend all day with the video console or cell phone? Does he not want to study, does he not do his homework, does he not take care of his school material? Maybe the adolescent does not do his homework at home?

As we can see, there are many elements that can go wrong in adolescent youth development. So, as a key first step let's see what goes wrong so that we can analyze the situation in depth and with some distance and objectivity.

What does your child need you for?

It is possible that these adolescent behaviors may be calls for attention. calls for attention. Let's not take anything for granted, because if we don't talk to him, we will miss many details.

Some mothers and fathers believe they know their children better than they know themselves. This is an error in thinking that causes many disagreements and communication breakdowns. 

If we want to help the children, let's keep the conversational conversational channels open. It's time to sit down as often as necessary for everyone involved in the problem to present their point of view.

Explains the rules of proper behavior 

We cannot convince an adolescent to behave in a certain way if we have not first made it clear which behavioral norms he or she should follow.

Having said that, you will understand how logical it is for children to understand the set of rules that govern proper coexistence. To this end, we, as responsible adults, must provide them with the appropriate information to give legitimacy to the system of rules. 

It should also be explained that both rights and obligations are associated with a series of implications and consequences for non-compliance. implications and consequences for non-compliance.

Avoid threatening 

This is a very common attitude among many parents and caregivers. When adolescents do not comply or show behaviors considered inappropriate, we tend to threaten them with punishments such as taking away their cell phones, not letting them go out, etc. 

In many cases, such threats are not carried out, or provoke more incomprehension on the part of adolescents. That is why it is better to talk, explain and get the young people to do what they do because they know the rules, and not to avoid punishment or to satisfy their parents. 

Demonstrates satisfaction with your improvements

If we see that the adolescent is improving and showing more and more appropriate behaviors, it is convenient that he/she knows it, and that he/she notices it on our part. This increases their self-esteem and invites him/her to continue on this path.

Maintain patience and consistency 

Don't contradict yourself, be patient and don't give up. If you persevere with a positive and proactive attitude without fissures at all times, without arbitrariness and without continuous changes in the rules to follow, the results will come little by little, because the method is effective and functional.

In any case, you can receive more help from the professionals that make up the team at Logos International School. If you don't know how to manage an adolescent behavior problem, don't hesitate to contact us.