In these times in which teaching processes have undergone significant changes, it is necessary to search for different methods and strategies to achieve true cooperative learning among students.

Cooperative learning is an innovative teaching method that tests the full potential and creativity of teachers in the design of activities related to collective work. At a time when the individual prevails, this methodology also enhances the emotional aspect of the students.

Definition of cooperative learning: what it is

Cooperative learning is an educational practice based mainly on teamwork. It is considered an efficient methodological proposal, capable of responding to the current needs of students. For its development it is necessary to divide the classroom into small groups. It is important, when establishing the groups, that the members of the group have similar characteristics to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities for success in the development of the activity.

Its purpose is also to establish links between students for the construction and acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities and values. Cooperation is an indispensable element with which teachers or instructors design techniques and strategies in a structured way.

How does cooperative learning work?

Cooperative learning works based on the participation and collaboration of all members of the group. It is necessary for them to perceive the bond that unites them to the group for the achievement of the objectives. Team efforts and teamwork provide the necessary tools to reinforce group achievement. For true cooperation to exist, teachers must apply a correct methodology that causes all members to unite their wills; it is not enough just to group them into small teams.

Essential elements of cooperative learning

Although the cooperative learning methodology seems simple, a series of essential elements must be taken into account in order to organize the educational proposals.

Positive interdependence

This is a characteristic that becomes evident when group members perceive that the achievement of objectives is linked to group work. Efforts bring not only individual but also collective benefit. The sooner positive interdependence is established, the better the common and individual goals will be understood, avoiding cognitive conflicts.

Individual and group responsibility

It is an idea about the reciprocity of efforts. It implies that each student understands that he/she has a direct responsibility in the achievement of the objectives and that individual work reinforces collective work. In addition, everyone must assume responsibility for achieving the group's goals.

Stimulating interaction

Participants promote each other's success by collaborating, sharing, teaching, encouraging, exchanging resources, etc., so that objectives are achieved through joint efforts when team members are in contact with each other.

Interpersonal and group skills

These are skills that are related to social leadership, as well as interpersonal skills to understand and connect with others. Dialogue, commitment, respect, communication and peaceful conflict resolution are part of the teaching and learning process.

Group evaluation

It is vital that all participants are responsible for the evaluation. It is a process of self-regulation in which decisions are made about adjustments and corrections to activities. It also involves self-evaluation and co-evaluation as a means of improving the quality of the commitments made.

Why cooperative learning?

Within cooperative contexts, students tend to attribute their success to collective efforts, thus increasing their chances of success and personal motivation.

At Logos International School, a private school located in Las Rozas, we understand that the application of cooperative learning in teaching has multiple advantages. On the one hand, it promotes norms within the groups that foster positive attitudes and encourage the completion of tasks by the whole team, thus helping to achieve school goals. It also allows working on self-esteem and conflict resolution. Through cooperative learning, responsibilities are assumed both individually and as a group. Active listening is encouraged, tolerance and respect are worked on, and the use of communicative and emotional body language is learned.

Likewise, through collective learning, a series of values of equality and respect are promoted, thus becoming a great methodology that will allow working in an integrated way with different contents.

For all these reasons, at Logos International School we have different projects where our students work in teams promoting all these benefits, which will help them to consolidate a personal and social maturity.

This educational proposal breaks with the traditional teaching schemes, allowing the design of innovative contexts for the achievement of educational purposes.