Emotional education: Ruler programme



Logos International School has integrated the RULER approach method of socio-emotional education into its curricular programming, based on decades of research and supported scientifically by Yale University.

“We work to recognize, understand and regulate emotions from 3 years onwards”


Ruth Castillo is an expert in the Ruler Program and responsible for the Emotional Education area of Logos School.



In our guidance department we have the collaboration of Ruth Castillo Gualda, Doctor in Psychology with more than 10 years’ experience in emotional education and an expert in the Ruler program. She is responsible for the implementation and supervision of this method in our school, which provides our teachers with a profound understanding and adaptation of the method of individualized tutoring and use of diverse “tools” that can be applied when considered appropriate.


Dr. Ruth Castillo gave an interview for the program “La Mañana ” COPE radio station, on how we work at Logos with the Ruler program.(emitted 2017)


OBJECTIVE of the method, RULER 

Through this method, Logos School aims to provide our students with Emotional Intelligence Strategies and Skills to help them deal with everyday situations that occur within the home and school environments.

The Ruler program helps our students to become more aware of their emotions and the influence that these have on their day-to-day basis. They learn how to act naturally and adequately when facing emotionally intense situations. It helps them to analyze and resolve better any possible conflicts, maintain healthier relationships and sustain a greater physical and mental well-being, key aspects for optimal development.



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